Saturday, 12 July 2008

Friday Night

I was really struggling to get the energy to drive the 90 mins through to the game at 10:30pm I got a text asking why I wasn't there I told them I would be there at midnight and promptly left. As I arrived 2 players were leaving so I got a seat straight away. Its a 1/2 game with a minimum sit down of £100 most people buy in for £100 and when they bust they top up with £100. I normally sit with £200 and did so again tonight with a few pull up in my wallet in chips and cash.

First Hand of Note

The game is very lively and without anything remarkable I got up to £400 when the game of 5 card PLO single flop was chosen by TheAdmiral (blonde member), its usual in this game for a raise to £7 called in all spots with most people seeing the flop this hand was strange as TheAdmiral made it £7 the SB called I reraised to £25 with AA662ds aces all the early limpers would normally call but only TheAdmiral and SB called a flop of AT6 all diamonds wast the best of flops and i wanted to get a free turn card but knew it was unlikely the SB moves all in for £53 I wanted to isolate or get it all in there as Theadmiral had me covered. I made a huge mistake in not betting the pot I just made it £150 to play, it was called and the 2 of clubs on the turn was the worst card I could of seen. When I checked and got raised I passed with £190 back as there was only 3 tens 2 twos 1 six and an ace to hit, I knew I played the hand badly and quickly recouped my composure only for a T to hit the river and the admiral took down the whole pot with Q7d via the sb 53d.

Second Hand of Note

Very next hand is 6 card PLO double flop and its £25 to me in the sb with suited low cards with 3 callers already and 2 more behind me ready to call, I called the bet flop 1 came down 468h flop 2 came down QJ4c. I checked with the intention of folding to a bet I knew I had low flushes without looking at my cards and knew they were no good the reraise preflop made it £91 all in and I checked my cards while everyone else folded I looked and saw the 53h and 82c shit I thought nearly a straight flush but as I fanned my cards out in my hand I spotted the 7h as well, now I thought I was likely the All in had a better flush in clubs so I wanted one of the 2 players behind to come in so flat called, but they didn't oblige so I said I think its a split after 2 blanks hit on turn and river the other guy looked at me strange as he had both Aces but no other club and had hit top trips on the club side so my straight flush had beaten his Ace high flush and my 8 flush had taken the other board so I had gotten back the chips I had thrown away the previous hand.

Third Hand of Note

The next notable hand was playing 6 PLO single flop again on TheAdmirals button. I had not much of a hand pre but the 345 2 diamond flop looked pretty with my A6d with a 2 for the 2nd nuts straight with improvers, i was missing a 7, anyway the turn was seen by myself and TheAdmiral there was already over £200 in the pot, a 7 came on the turn which was about as perfect as it could get but i was still scared of the board pairing and also though if i bet the pot he would call with the 68 letting me free roll to the diamond (unless he did have outs to the boat) it was folded though and I took another nice pot.

Fourth Hand of Note

The next hand of note was a PLO8 hand (always single flops for HI/LO) on a QT8 2 club flop I wasn't the bothered with my top set and wasn't going to get too committed on flop hoping to see a cheap turn which was achieved with everyone checking it round. The turn brought an off suited 2 and I checked again a push for £60 from the guy (£1 left) 2 too my left was called in 3 spots it gave me the odds to call (hadn't put anyone on the straight as they would of bet out on flop) with the board ready very draw heavy I didn't want to get carried away as every wrapper low and flush draw would call and there would be so many bullets to dodge the guy behind me also called and 6 of us saw the turn which was a lovely 2 but a £100 bet on river got no action not even from the guy with £1 left I was still happy with the pot and how it played as I got paid the odds without putting my stack at risk.

Final Hand of the Night

The final hand 7 card PLO single of the night saw me flop the 2nd nut flush draw which was checked round, and hit bottom set on the turn as it was last hand of night everyone puts in £5 pre so when I called a turn bet there was over £200 in the pot the river hit my flush but I wasn't prepared to bet it even though I would have expected the nut flush draw to bet the flop, I thought I was good and was prepared to call down a bet on river I didn't want to bet out and face a reraise it was checked down and my 2nd nut flush took it down.

profit for night £650

Comedy Hand of the Night

A hand I am trying to forget, it was PLO double flop I was last to act on the flop and bet out £40 with 2 pair on both boards and a wrapper straight on one of the flops. I was check raised by the player on my left. for another £53, For some strange reason (brain fart) I called thinking I was behind on one if not both boards. But I scooped both pots without improving in fact on the flop where I had the wrappers thE board pair counterfeiting my 2 pair but I still won both pots.

Anyone of my Shareholders want to tell me what a prat I was in any of the hands please feel free

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