Sunday 24 August 2008

The Rush Continues


Tuesday was a visit to the pub in elgin for a £5 freezeout with everyone getting 2000 to start with and 1500 at 9pm even if you had been knocked out before then. I manged to take the comp down for my first win in the pub league dispte geting called by AK when i pushed all in with A7 with just 4 players left catching a 7. It seemed that everything was going right for a change. Wednessday was the £10 rebuy in the nash and i was expecting things to change. I kept getting cards and winning races when my chips werent in danger, getting the bookie all in (for less than half my stack) with QJ on a 49T flop unfortunately for me i wasnt aslive as i hoped when he turned over the QT, the 8 on the river help send George to the cash game though, Davie the Clam had come to my table with a monster stack but i was happy as i had postion on him and an equally huge stack i called his EP raise with 33 when he checked the AJx flop i bet out out he folded his QQ face up i showed my 33. On the final table i had a huge stack and we got down to 3 players quickly. I wasnt keen on a deal with the clam on the table i knew it would be between me and the 3rd player till we got heads up. unfortunately he got a few chips off me then i doubled him up when he limped UTG/button i had QQ so made it 12k more with the blinds at 2/4k on a 235 rainbow board i checked to reraise him but he moved all in with his A5 (92k) i of course called and the 4 on the turn ended my rush. i still had 60k+ and took down a couple of small pots and then busted when i rivered the nut straight and pushed for the clam to call after rivering the nut flush (checked it on flop and turn with his draw).


Saturday was a £25 freezout organised by the guy who runs the local nbuts poker league games, i took totally control of the game from the first hand showing my bluff after getting called preflop on the flop and on the turn, the guy involved wasnt prepared to call the river bet, now i got players where i wanted them lacking experiance they were soon open raising for all there chips. Some of the regulars were complaining that the standard was so poor they had no chance and that thy prefered to go home han play on. I loved the poor standard of play was making moves left right and centre while still getting paid on my big hands. At one stage i had more chips than the rest of my table put together. Willie who runs the league got crippled and pushed in for about 5 bbs i was in cut off and could tell the blinds and button was going to let it pass. it was less than 10% of my stack i called blind and my 93o took out his QJo. We break for the final and i knew 2 reasonable good players were on the final Alan who is a bit of a rock and a steady player who was a regular at the nash and Daz whom i had iven a lift through from Elgin. They had warned me about a young guy who was on the other table whom they thought was a good player. I was sat inbetween Alan and Daz with the young boy on Daz's right. It soonbecame obvious that the young boy wasnt that good but was very aggressive but would mix it up but couldnt lay down hands or draws. There was a drunken idiot who had been at the football earlier at the other end of table and he was changing the dynamics. He wanted a lift back up the round living 9 miles from me i told him he could get a lift if he was still around at closing (he was kicked out well before then).
I was using my chips well and maintaining a healthy stack when the rush ended as suddenly as it arrived. I got the young boy in with his Q8 v my AJ, He hit. Then got the drunk in with KT v his AJ on a 45T flop,he hit. suddenly i am down to 7k with the blinds at 600/1200. I managed to get upto 9k made a stop and go against the young boy and got back in the game. Sat with 22k i got Jacks in EP, my raise was called by the big stack, and reraised by the young boy (34k) i called and the big stack layed down. My hand looked good when he turned over his 7s but a 7 on the flop and i was out. Daz and Alan went onto chop the top 2 spots.

Sunday 10 August 2008

The Start of a Rush

The Rush of Form

Suddendly in poker you can go from bad beat hell into a complete rush and this happened for me on Saturday, i hadnt played the cash on the Friday to keep myself fresh for the £100 single rebuy event. I heard the tank was back in town and offered to stake him into the event as he is going back to college and wasnt bankrolled for the game. It all started so badly a few unknowns on the table all trying to bluff me off pots with all in moves i was down to 2500 of the 5k starting stack early and i took the rebuy. It continued and i lost anotehr few pots and was down to about 3.5k then i won a few small pots got upto around 6k and a hand went off where i made 2 pair, a 4th heart came on river so with no heart in my hand i wanted to check it down, the guy on my left was having none of it and bet out a call would leave me with 1200, i was about to fold when i got him to speak, not sure what it was but he gave the game away and i was 90% certain i was ahead i called and he urned over a bluff. i got bluffed off a big pot when a guy moved all in on a 3 diamond board with me holding no diamond and just top pair top kicker he turned over 73o with no diamond. I had chips now and could bide my time knowing chips were on offer. I got creative with A7o in the cut-off with a coupld of limpers before me no-one folded but was pleased to see the A75 rainbow flop, its checked to me last to act so i put in a raise just under pot size and get reraised ALL in by the 73o guy who had twice my chips with his rebuy still intact. I snap call and he is happy with his A5 untill i turn my top 2 over no 5 on turn or river and i get a nice double up putting me well over average at the break. Now i tighten up and get a couple of gifts with people calling and reraise me with weak aces while i am holding bigger aces or big pairs and i am sitting at 35-40k when davie the rock comes to the table with his 47k stack. Now i wanted those chips but knew i would need the jaws of life to get them but new i could steal themon flops. I get moved to another table soon after and get moved to The Tanks right with TheAdmiral and redfox on the the table i knew i was getting no gifts. I river the nut straight in the SB vrs TheAdmiral and the tank but my check is met by a check from Les and a fold from thomas who didnt want to show what he raised the turn with. I bully a few shorter stacks off pots including one guy with the nut flush draw a side straight draw and an over to the board with one card to come when i called his flop bet with air and bet out on turn showing a few bluffs to liven the table up.
Tank loses a few chips and gets into push/fold mode and when its folded round to him in SB he pushes i wake up with my infamous AK and call nothing hits for thomas and i take out my horse. Last hand before the 2nd break i took Les of a KK89 board after he dwelled for 5 minutes with both of us having big stacks and 25k+ in the middle i got him to fold to my rerereaise on the turn after calling his flop bet.
I make the final with about 3rd in chips. 2 young ladies were on the table and they were tighter than davie the rock, one was on her first live game and when she pushed everyone folded, the other lacks aggression but was able to keep afloat by hitting flops and going all in including once when she had KK on a K high board with no draws out there. My stack goes up and down like a yoyo and Andy one of the best players i have ever come accross decides he is table captain and totally out classed me. I lose alot of chips when i check top pair on the flop to allow the sb to catch 2 pair with his 82 on the turn. I win a good pot with 99 in blind when blinds was 1/2k when its raised to 6k preflop andy calls i push in for 12.5k total the orginal raiser folds andy calls turning over KJo my 9s hold i am back in game. I lose a few more chips and get KK in BB Alica who was playing tight limps in graham whom i doubled up when his 82o hit 2 pair raises to 6k James pushes all in for not much more i move in Alica calls and graham folds i was facing AJ from Alica and A8 from James i avoid the bullets and get a healthly stack now. The other lady at the table gets knocks out with 88 v grahams QQ and we are on the bubble. When graham tries to steal Andys BB from SB he gets put out on bubble when andy woke up with AK.
Player left was Andy(100k) Tony(120k) myself(60k) and Walza(45K), tony was impssible to play as you needed to hit against him as he wasnt laying anything down, Andy was out calling me, and Walza wasnt playing, so with only 45 minutes to a chip count i asked the big stacks if they were up for a deal looking for a 2k2k1k1k split but Walza refused saying he wasnt up for it as he puts £300 bets on horses. I laydown a few weak aces in my blind to raises and didnt get much else, i was preserving my stack but not much else, i lose about 15k over a few hands and thenthe demise came. Andy doubles the blind from the buttom i see 78o in the BB smelling weakness i was thinking of pushing but decided on a stop and go instead. I flopped middle pair and changed my mind and went for the old check raise, but he had flopped top pair with his Q6 and wasnt about to let go and i was shown the exit door, 30 mins before the count. I left a little disapointed but thought i had played most of the event well.

Monday £20 Rebuy

The blinds start at 100/200 with a 2000 starting stack and with 35 runners a prizepool of around 4.5k is the normal, UTG raises it up to 700 and i am next to act and have AJs this is too good a hand to fold in this game so put the 2k in and get my first rebuy ready i get called by 3rd UTG and its folded to UTG who puts all her chips in. My AJ was in good shape vrs AT (orginal raiser) and A8s by 3rd UTG, the hand held and the players are miffed at me getting chips early. I get a few more hands and go up and down but every time i get to about 5k i win the pot and keep in good shape, i finish the rebuy period with 20k with no rebuy . With only 2.6k in the pot i decide against a top up. I cruise to the final without many big hands taking out george on the way when holding QJ on a T94 flop i get him all in with his QT i was counting on the queen for an out but manged to hit an 8 to send him to the cash. Derek the mad gambler who gets bored when he cant rebuy any more, stands up and pushes with QTs i am in the bb and refuse to put 25% of my stack in with K7o. Very next hand he gets AA and does the same i now want the game to resume normall make a stupid call with 22. We get to the final and i have a nice stack but i have Derek on my left and a solid player from Dundee on my right, and Andy in the BB on my cutoff, i make a raise to 6k with blinds at 1/2 with 55 get reraised by andy i am about to insta fold when i notice he hasnt much back its another 8k to me and make the call but he woke up with kings and i double up the wrong guy, the game proceeds and derek is on fire taking out AQ with T5 charlie on my right with A9 v KK and a few other plays.
We get 4 handed and i open up deal talks then close then just as quick when Rob who wasnt involved tells the table Dereck should get £950 and the rest about £550. There was no way we would talk Derek into a more reasonable £700 £650x3 deal, Derek then pulls the i am bored stunt again limping with QQ UTG on my bb andy wakes up with an Ace and raises in SB i fold my 66 derek pops in the old reraise and andy calls
flop would of killed me as it brought both a Q and a 6 but andy disapears on the bubble. Ross (guy who had A8s first hand) and myself quickly get Dereks chips off him finally he got it all it with bottom pair v the 2nd nut straight of ross's, we play on for a little bit untill i get back level in chips and we agree to split, i was tired and although i felt i had an edge felt the i was better off n my bed. I turned down a seat in teh cash and went home for some much needed rest.

The Day i Broke Georges Heart

Wednessday the 30th of July

The day i broke Georges heart.

I had only just sat down at the table and the game was playing 4 handed with superjez about to sit in and deal. George folded preflop TheAdmiral made it his standard £7 it was called by the unknown player in the SB i looked down and saw connecting middling cards with 3 suits (7PLO) so i repopped it, les repops again, sure sign he has a big hand but i was still going to play till the SB folded. I still wanted to play the hand as i have great cards for 7 PLO but niggling in my head was "you cant win an OMAHA hand in the nash preflop its never been done".

So i grab georges attention and break his heart and the record in the nash of no pot ever being won preflop, they only went and rabbit hunted and i would of won but that wasnt the point between us Les and i broke the record. I took grief all night for that with George telling everyone and anyone about it. Matt the doorman who doesnt understand poker told me that he got the story that George was extremmly annoyed and told passerby how i have ruined the cash game, i think he even paid one of the toms standing on the corner of the street to listen to the story, i got so much grief the whole night from George and SuperJez. Atleast George shook my hand as he left. SuperJez refused my hand and has been waiting for this blog post so he can swear at me.

The International Regulars


Entered the cash game and got bluffed off bottom trips and a broadway straight when the board paired on the turn on the very first hand and TheAdmiral told me to put it in my blogg so there it is i folded a 6 card PLO hand with a possible full house on the board with just a broadway straight and trips.
All the players are asking to get a mention in the blogg so here is a run down of them.
Not all played on the Monday but most play atleast once a week or fortnight.

TheAdmiral AKA Les Clarke

Solid cash game player the most aggressive player in the game he makes it 1/2/7 preflop most hands with a wide range of holdings and very rarely folds preflop

SuperJez AKA Martin

Online pro who boosts his bankroll by regularly turning a profit in the nash's cash game. Currently loved up (hope for us all) and back in his native Glasgow for a few weeks.

TheRock AKA Tommy

frequently folds preflop infact he will fold more often preflop during the night than the rest of the players put together,if he is in the pot be scared be very scared.

The Clam AKA Davie

Davie has a reputation in the comps he will blind out rather than put his chips in behind if he gets chips you need the jaws of life to get them off him again just dont give him chips as he will be involved when the money is paid out if he has them. But in the cash game he is looser than a goose thans just been stuffed for christmas not long ago he got £150 the middle ALL IN, with 1 card to come in with the nut flush draw and no low in a PLO game with a 235 showing in a game of 7 card PLO8 he hit his flush on the river to chop £10 in the middle. Still to work out that though bottom set in HE is a monster in these games its not.

The Bookie AKA George

Passive aggressive is our george you never know which way he is playing from 1 card to the next, suddenly you get reraised from him for another couple of hundred and you know he has atleast ne lot of nuts.

The Pro AKA Euan

When you win a pot vrs him you will be told how lucky you were, and when you lose a pot to him you will be told how badly you played it and how he outplayed you and had a great read on you.

The Engima AKA Steve

Before i joined the cash games i was told he was a rock, He has an intresting game but i wouldnt call him a rock will make alot of moves with 1 side of a 2 board game or 1 side of a HI/LO game will play his draws aggressively often replaying the hand in your head you can work out where you are but often its behind, has a very selective preflop starting range and can fold nealy as often as Tommy preflop but will play alot more than Tommy on a flop. I like Steves game alot and often ask for his opinion on hands that i fold or play.

The Gambler AKA Mr LI

Very dangerous player as he wont let you steal a pot, will play the same way with bottom 2 pair as he does with the nuts, often makes bad calls but means you cant get a steal in with the bare ACE on a flushed board. Mr Li is a player you dread to have on your table in the comp as he is impossible to read and you never know where you are. Fun part of the night is when Mr Li comes in with a list of insults he has read people calling him and other people on hills and stars so we can translate them for him.

The Learner AKA Tosh

Been playing the cash game longer than me but is taking his time in learning properly, has a very solid tourny Holdem game but often looses in the cash with bad calls with 2nd nuts.

These are my honest opinions of the players i may be wrong but know the players know my reads of them they can change there games to make it more profitable for them when there in a hand against me.